The Diocese of Orange is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our employees. FOCUS brings you to the center of interest. Our goal is to help you become the best version of yourself- in mind, body and spirit! We encourage all employees to consider the big picture of health and well-being: it is multidimensional. Reflect on not only physical health, but also emotional, spiritual, social, occupational, financial and intellectual well-being. Individuals who balance all aspects of health are more likely to handle life’s stressors and be happy.

Our FOCUS  program components include monthly FOCUS e-newsletters, educational communications, webinars, onsite presentations and fitness challenges. In addition, all Diocesan employees are eligible for Lifestyle Coaching with the Reta Wellness Coordinator for more individualized, lifestyle consultation focusing on chronic diseases . Topics may include nutrition, fitness tips, stress management resources, work-life balance, health plan benefits, and more. Employees enrolled in a medical plan through the Diocese of Orange are also eligible to participate in LifestyleRx programs.

Find Your Focus!

What is your Wellness Vision? How do you want to see yourself a year from now? Five years from now?

What is your vision of the best version of yourself?

A wellness vision is a concrete, inspiring picture of you leading a healthy, satisfying life. Maybe it’s being a positive role model for your family. Or maybe it’s being as physically active as long as you can be through life. Health and well-being have many dimensions. It’s YOUR vision, so what is important to you? FOCUS on your goals to enhance your mind, body and spirits

Click here to complete your wellness vision worksheet.

NEW! Livongo for Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar. About 30% of U.S. adults are impacted with this chronic disease.

Some people can control their blood sugar levels with healthy eating and exercise, others may need medication or insulin to help manage it. Regardless, you have options—and tools, resources, and support to help you manage.

The Diocese of Orange, in collaboration with the Reta Trust is pleased to offer a new diabetes management program to members enrolled in an Anthem health plan. Livongo is an innovative diabetes management program whose mission is to improve the lives of people with diabetes.  Health management support is personalized to help you manage blood glucose and lifestyle habits.  Enrolled members will receive an advanced blood glucose meter, unlimited strips and lancets, and personalized coaching at no cost.

Members enrolled in Reta Anthem medical plans and their covered dependents over the age of 14 years living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are eligible.

Learn more about Livongo by clicking the links below.

Good For Your Health and Your Wallet

Frequently Asked Questions

Register at or call (800) 945-4355 with code: RETA.